Project Team: Sheridan McKinley, Elliot Lawes, Sinead Overbye and Hūrae White (Te Hua Kawariki Educational Trust).
He Tīrewa Ako is a teaching and learning guide that kaiako and ākonga can use to plan and track progress over time in reo ā-waha (oral language), tuhituhi (writing), pānui (reading), and pāngarau (mathematics) within Te Marautanga o Aotearoa.
It was developed following recommendations of the Ministry of Education’s Curriculum, Progress and Achievement Ministerial Advisory Group report to improve equity, trust, and coherence for all ākonga learning through te reo Māori. These recommendations incorporated feedback from the Māori medium sector.
Reo ā-waha, tuhituhi, pānui and pāngarau are each made up of a set of tīrewa (progressions) representing the key components within that area of learning. Each tīrewa describes a set of whāinga (indicators of critical skills, aspects of knowledge and/or attributes) which an ākonga needs to demonstrate, and which cannot be left to chance. Kaiako and ākonga can use the whāinga to track progress and achievement along the learning pathways.
The Ministry of Education has contracted NZCER to provide a psychometric design and plan, psychometric services, and trialling with kaiako, for the development of He Tīrewa Ako.
We are working with content developers, Victoria University of Wellington, Haemata Ltd, Aronui Ltd, Kia Ata Mai Educational Trust, and the University of Auckland.