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Scale score report


The Scale score report is a graph that shows how the students in a group, who have taken the same test, are distributed along the Junior Science: Thinking with Evidence (JS) scale. It also provides a comparison with the national reference group by showing the reference group level distribution for a chosen year group. Features of the Scale score report include:

  • each individual’s position on the JS scale.
  • summary statistics for the whole group and the relevant national reference group
  • comparison of the group with the reference group level distribution (high--top 23%, medium--middle 54%, or low – bottom 23% of students)

Using the Scale score report

Use the scale score report to:

  • gain a snapshot of the spread of results in your group
  •  group cohorts of students in diverse ways (for example, you may want to group students together with similar achievement levels to focus on identified issues or by diverse achievement levels for peer tutoring)
  • access a particular individual student report (click on the student name) to find out how why they were placed in the position on the JS scale.

Sample of a Scale score report


Examples of how to read the data

The scale score report above shows the mean scale score of the 6 Year 6 students in the group was 55.4 jsc units compared with the national reference group mean (in brackets) of 50 jsc units. The spread of scores in the group, at 5.8, was less than the national reference group spread of 9.4.

Students in the group have all achieved scores in the middle and high range when compared to Year 6 students in national reference group.


Next page:  Item report