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List report


The List report provides a summary of results for a group of students who have taken the same test. Features of the List report include:

  • each individual’s results listed in a table
  • summary statistics for the whole group compared to the relevant national reference group
  • data can be ordered by first name, last name, test score, JS scale score, omits (number of questions students didn’t answer), and year reference group level  (high–top 23%, medium–middle 54%, or low–bottom 23% of students)
  • search function (on student name and year reference group level).

Using the List report

Use the list report to gain a snapshot of:

  • individual student results–you can search for any student in the group, or order the results on any of the fields (first name, last name, test score, scale score, omits, and year reference group level)
  • groups of students who are working at particular levels of thinking in science - use the search function, for example, to find all of the students who achieved a high, medium, or low score compared with students in the same year level as the reference group.

Sample of a List report

Examples of how to read the data

This class has 7 students. The mean scale score is 45.2  which is 3.9 above the national reference group mean of 41.3. A comparison of the standard deviation shows the class has a lower spread than the national reference group.

Student George Ford got 16 correct answers out of 30. His scale score is 46.0 +/- 3.9. This means we can be reasonably sure George’s true level is between 42.1 and 49.9 jsc units.  He answered all questions (no omits) and his score is in the middle 54% of students.  


Next page: Scale score report