The Beeby Award is a partnership between NZCER and the New Zealand National Commission for UNESCO. The Award, previously known as the Fellowship, was first awarded in 1998. It is named after Dr Clarence Beeby who, in 1934, became the first Director of NZCER, and was Assistant Director-General of UNESCO from 1948-49. The Beeby Award is offered every two years.
The Beeby Award supports development of an innovative learning resource based on high quality research. The Award supports collaboration between research and practice communities so that learners benefit from research findings. The learning resource can be in any format that enables easy use in a range of learning environments, not limited to schools.
The Award is worth $30,000. The recipient/s are expected to devote 3-4 months full-time or equivalent on the Award. The resulting resource is expected to be of high quality and to be published by NZCER Press.
The Beeby Award is currently on hold throughout 2023.
Previous recipients
The Beeby Award has supported a diverse range of resources over the years it has been offered.
The 2020 Beeby Award has been granted to a group of educators, researchers and academics from across the North Island. He Whatu Rangatahi, will be a resource that will provide support, skills, strategies and inspiration to equip young people and their communities to effectively take part in a variety of transformative democratic processes.