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Maths education
Maths education
Developing statistical numeracy in primary schools
A key way students develop their statistical understanding at primary school level is by undertaking data-rich investigations. This article suggests scaffolding students through a statistical enquiry cycle in which students define the problem, plan the investigation, collect and analyse the data, draw conclusions and communicate their findings. It gives examples of primary school students successfully planning investigations, collecting and graphing their own data and drawing statistical inferences from it, using tasks from the Assessment Resource Banks.
Changing Trajectories of Teaching and Learning
Testing on the net: Assessment Resource Banks in mathematics and science
The ARBs are computerised assessment resources that harness the power of information technology within a school context and give users the capacity to match assessment and teaching.
Once Upon a Time, Amongst Blocks and Car Cases . . . Action Research to Enable Girls' Mathematics Learning
Early numeracy
Teaching and learning fractions: Lessons from alternative example spaces
Mathematics and The New Zealand Curriculum in the primary classroom
Mathematics curriculum change: Parliamentary discussion over the past two decades
Creating opportunities through care in the mathematics classroom
This article explores how teachers work at establishing a web of relationships within the mathematics classroom community that will lead to learning.