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Education leadership practices
Education leadership practices
The Development of Leadership Capability in a Self-Managing Schools System: the New Zealand Experience and Challenges
Pre-School Volunteers
Who Talks to William? and Karla, and Susan, and Michael, and ...? Adult-child interaction, particularly conversation, in early-childhood centres.
Don't Take that Dress Off James! Have we got anywhere in trying to remove sex-role stereotyping in pre-schools and junior school classes?
Ethical Quandaries for neophyte early childhood practitioners
MEN in early childhood teaching
Leadership in Early Childhood: The kindergarten experience
A health promoting schools approach to bullying
Media headlines ensure that we are constantly reminded of the presence of bullying in our schools. This article draws on responses to a national survey on barriers to student learning. The strategies that primary and secondary schools that responded are implementing to address bullying are discussed in relation to the approach known as “health promoting schools”—an approach that is internationally recognised for its effectiveness in addressing mental health issues in schools.
Features of a positive work environment for early career teachers
What are the features of a positive work environment for early career teachers? This article examines this question through interviews with secondary school early career science teachers. Findings suggest a science department that is collegial and collaborative is essential in encouraging teachers in the early stages of their career to stay in the profession and engage in practice that supports student learning.