Can You Teach Hostile Students?
Teachers cannot continue to be efficient in the classroom unless parents -and society -take a much firmer hand in training children in morals, ethics and good manners.
Teachers cannot continue to be efficient in the classroom unless parents -and society -take a much firmer hand in training children in morals, ethics and good manners.
'If we ignore or hold constant differences of personal endowment and life history it is the interaction of homes and schools that is the key to educability.'
Floud 1956
In this bulletin Colin Cowie, Test Advisory Officer, NZCER outlines some of the research relating to the broad topic of home-school relationships.
Non Standard English and Comprehension / Writing Skills Improved by English Grammar Instruction? / Language Through TV / Learn to Read - When? / Foreign Language in Primary School
Is it possible to teach and do research at the same time? The work of a number of Christ church teachers strongly suggests that it is. In this report, John Church, Lecturer in Education at the University of Canterbury, outlines the research accomplishments of some of the teachers who have been associated with the University of Canterbury Education Department during the past three years, considers the question of whether teachers could be doing worthwhile educational
research, and indicates some of the implications of teacher involvement in the research enterprise .
PAT : Mathematics
What can be done with the results?
Education may be viewed, simply, as a deliberate attempt to change aspects of the learner's behaviour—his knowledge, skills, and attitudes in some desirable way. Educational evaluation may be viewed as the process which involves the systematic collection of evidence to determine whether certain changes have taken place in this behaviour.
A set of stories and discussion pieces related to moral development.
Moral education means different things to different people. To those of us who have worked on this Moral Education Project, moral education is concerned with how people actually live, how their behaviour affects others, and whether their behaviour makes a happier, healthier, fuller life possible.